Recently, as I was driving near TCU, I noticed a road sign I did not recognize. It was a large red rectangle and it had the following words on it, “YOU ARE HER.” I read it again making sure I was not missing something. YOU ARE HER. I had no idea what it might be about, but I was definitely intrigued.
I was given an email address of someone from the School of Art at TCU who could help clarify the meaning of the unusual sign. I sent the email and expressed my desire to learn more. A response came which explained the sign is part of an art exhibit, Flâneuse, at Fort Worth Contemporary Arts at TCU, and as I expected, it indeed does relate to the issue of sexual assault.
I was also put into contact with the artist, Alicia Eggert. She is Assistant Professor of Studio Art and Sculpture Program Coordinator at The University of North Texas. We recently enjoyed lunch and some really terrific conversation. I walked away feeling like Alicia has found what may be one of the most interesting and out of the box way of representing the alarming truth about sexual assault on college campuses.
“YOU ARE HER” speaks to the fact that sexual assault does not discriminate. Anyone can become a target….males included. To go along with the red road signs, Alicia has planned performances to take place for a total of 240 hours over the course of the exhibit. Why 240 hours you ask? According to RAINN, 23% of college women will experience sexual assault. 23% of the incoming female freshman class at TCU is equal to 240…thus 240 hours. The performance is simple and subtle. Performers will be found around campus with a yellow triangular shaped road sign…think caution ahead… in front of their face. On the sign is an exclamation point. They simply stand and do not speak. They are intended to represent the ever present and alarming incidence of sexual assault.
““My intention is that the exclamation marks will feel like they are omnipresent, scattered all over campus, in order to highlight the fact that an assault can happen to anyone, anywhere. Performing in prominent locations will shed light on what is often considered a taboo subject. It will urge the University and community at large to recognize and address the problem, and it will hopefully encourage students who have experienced an assault to report it to the authorities.””
I can imagine this could become an exhibit which makes its way around the country, from campus to campus. I hope it does! It is powerful. It is necessary. I am grateful to Alicia for using her talents to #changetheconversation about sexual assault and #empowersurvivors to find their voices.